Dr. Buizer speaks about responsibility and sustainable action in higher education

Nov. 20, 2019

At a commemoration of the 61st anniversary of ESPOL, a public university in Guayaquil, Ecuador, Dr. James Buizer recently spoke about sustainability and responsibility. Dr. Buizer emphasized the role of universities in educating the next generation of decision-makers about sustainable practices. Individuals also have a responsibility, however, to educate themselves and make sustainable decisions and investments.
Dr. Buizer's research lies at the interface of climate science and human dimensions, working to implement science-based decision making into government and education programs to increase resiliency to climate change. Dr. Buizer is currently codirector of the NOAA funded project, Integrating Climate Information and Decision Processes for Regional Climate Resilience, which focuses on increasing community resiliency to climate change by streamlining production and delivery of climate tools and information to vulnerable communities.
In addition to his research, Dr. Buizer is a professor of climate adaptation in SNRE and director of the Climate Adaptation and International Development Program in the Institute of the Environment at the University of Arizona. He has also contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and served as director of the Climate and Societal Interactions Division at NOAA in Washington, D.C.
Click here to access the full story covering Dr. Buizer's talk